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The Privacy Advisor | IAPP Heads to Singapore with APIA Template in Tow Related reading: A comprehensive guide to creating a sustainable cookie program



When the IAPP joined with AvePoint to release the free AvePoint Privacy Impact Assessment tool, we were confident it was a tool our members would embrace. Still, we’re a little surprised to see how strongly it has been embraced. As of this writing, 893 privacy pros have downloaded the application, in 43 different countries. Clearly, the need for an increase in the automation of privacy impact assessments is a global one. This week, as the IAPP heads to Hong Kong and Singapore for our first Asia Privacy Forum, we have worked with AvePoint to create templates for the APIA tool specific to different regulatory environments. The first zip file of xml documents ready for uploading is targeted at Singapore, which has a new Personal Data Protection Act coming into full effect on July 2 of this year. The IAPP and AvePoint have taken the PIA guidance in the act and created a template that makes assessments in the APIA tool straightforward for businesses operating in Singapore. “You have to be able to demonstrate that you have a process,” said Dana Simberkoff, CIPP/US, AvePoint’s senior VP for risk management and compliance, “so the APIA tool allows you to demonstrate that you’re going through the process and that you can document that process.” For many companies, that process currently involves circulating a Word or Excel document via e-mail, which might be less-than-satisfying for a regulator.

The brand-new AvePoint Privacy Impact Assessment System, distributed exclusively by the IAPP.

Specifically, the act in Singapore reads, “An organization shall develop and implement policies and practices that are necessary for the organization to meet the obligations of the organization under this act” and, further, “make information available on request about the policies and practices” referred to above. In other words, it’s not enough to simply not violate the act. You have to prove that you have taken steps to not violate the act. With APIA, you can create and document a clear process for evaluating new products and services that involve the collection of data. If you haven’t downloaded APIA for your organization, do so here. And, at the bottom of the page, you’ll find the zip file you can import into APIA for help with compliance with the Singapore Act.


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